The JDBC source provides the ability to run an SQL Query against an external system and map the result to an OpenNMS requisition.

Parameter Required Description



Set jdbc to use this source for the requisition configuration



JDBC driver, e.g. org.postgresql.Driver


JDBC URL, e.g. jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database


SQL statement


user name for database connection


password for database connection



Mapper script for changing the requisition. For no operation use echo; for a JSR-223 script set to script


If set mapper is set to script, relative path to your JSR-223 script for modifying the requisition

The following column-headers will be mapped from the result set to the OpenNMS requisition:

Column Header Required Description



will be interpreted as foreignId on the node


defines the foreignId for the parent node. Used for path outages.


defines the foreignSource for the parent node. Used for path outages.


defines the nodeLabel of the parent node. Used for path outages.


will be interpreted as an IP address for a new IP interface on the node


is interpreted as snmp-primary flag and controls how the interface can be used to communicate with the SNMP agent. Valid are P (Primary), S (Secondary) and N (None).


will be interpreted as Interface Status. Value has to be an integer. Use 1 for monitored and 3 for not monitored.


will be interpreted as node label for the node identified by the Foreign_Id


The monitoring location for the node. When not set, the node is monitored from the OpenNMS server, otherwise from the Minion associated with the Location.


will be interpreted as a surveillance category for the node identified by the Foreign_Id


will be interpreted as a service on the interface of the node identified by the Foreign_Id and IP_Address field

This source also supports all asset fields by using Asset_ as a prefix followed by the asset-field-name. The city field of the assets can be addressed like this: yourvalue AS Asset_City and is not case-sensitive.

Every row of the result set will be checked for the listed column headers. The provided data will be added to the corresponding node. Multiple result rows with matching Foreign_Id will be added to the same node.

To use additional JDBC drivers, just drop the JAR files into the opennms-pris/lib directory and set the source.driver and source.url accordingly.
Example configuration to import nodes from phpIPAM MySQL database into OpenNMS
### File: phpipam/requisition.properties
# This example connects to an phpIPAM MySQL database and imports the
# data and maps the result an OpenNMS requisition.
# Hint: the MySQL driver has to be manually installed to the opennms-pris/lib
# directory
source = jdbc

## jdbc source parameter to connect against phpIPAM on MySQL
source.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
source.url = jdbc:mysql://phpipam.foo.org/phpipam
source.user = user
source.password = secret

source.selectStatement = SELECT \
  id AS Foreign_Id, \
  dns_name AS Node_Label, \
  'P' AS MgmtType, \
  description AS Asset_Description, \
  INET_NTOA(ip_addr) AS Ip_Address, \
  owner AS Cat \
  FROM ipaddresses;

### default no-operation mapper
mapper = echo
Example configuration to import nodes from another OpenNMS database
### File: opennms/requisition.properties
# This example connects to an OpenNMS PostgreSQL database and imports the
# data and maps the result a new OpenNMS requisition
source = jdbc

## jdbc source parameter to connect against PostgreSQL
source.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
source.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/opennms
source.user = opennms
source.password = opennms

source.selectStatement = SELECT \
  node.foreignId AS Foreign_Id, \
  node.nodelabel AS Node_Label, \
  node.location AS Location, \
  ipinterface.ipaddr AS IP_Address, \
  ipinterface.issnmpprimary AS MgmtType, \
  ipinterface.ipstatus AS InterfaceStatus, \
  assets.description AS Asset_Description, \
  assets.city AS Asset_City, \
  assets.state AS Asset_State, \
  service.servicename AS Svc, \
  categories.categoryname AS Cat \
  node LEFT OUTER JOIN ipInterface ON node.nodeId=ipInterface.nodeId \
  LEFT OUTER JOIN ifServices ON ipInterface.id=ifServices.ipinterfaceid \
  LEFT OUTER JOIN service ON ifServices.serviceId=service.serviceId \
  LEFT OUTER JOIN category_node ON node.nodeId=category_node.nodeId \
  LEFT OUTER JOIN categories ON category_node.categoryId=categories.categoryId \
  LEFT OUTER JOIN assets ON node.nodeId=assets.nodeId;

### default no-operation mapper
mapper = echo